Instructions - Website

  1. Go to and login with your crypto wallet using Cronos chain

  2. Buy your CroPepe on secondary market

  3. Go to Tab CROPEPE -> MY MFTS, check any 5 x CroPepe and click SEND (MOST IMPORTANT: Use only the computer (not the phone), do not close or refresh the page until transaction is not done)

  4. After getting confirmation on our site, go to Tab SPICYCRO -> MINT. If you sent 1 pair (2 identical CroPepe) you should see Free mints : 1. Then you can mint your SpicyCro using button MINT NFT (PIC.1)

  5. Go to SPICYCRO -> MY NFTS and check if you have required number of bottles. Required numbers you can check here.

  6. If you have required number of SpicyCro check them (1 color at 1 time!) and click SEND (MOST IMPORTANT: Use only the computer (not the phone), do not close or refresh the page until transaction is not done) (PIC.2)

  7. After getting information go to Tab SPICYCROPEPE -> MINT. If you sent 1 set of bottles you should see Free mints : 1. Then you can mint your SpicyCroPepe using button MINT NFT (PIC.3)

  8. Go to Tab SPICYCROPEPE -> MY NFTS and check if you have required number of SpicyCroPepe to collect 6 points. Points you can check here.

  9. If you have required number of SpicyCroPepe check them (6 points) and click SEND (MOST IMPORTANT: Use only the computer (not the phone), do not close or refresh the page until transaction is not done) (PIC.4)

  10. After getting information go to Tab SHINYCROPEPE -> MINT. If you sent 1 set of SpicyCroPepe you should see Free mints : 1. Then you can mint your ShinyCroPepe using button MINT NFT (PIC.5)

  11. Go to Tab SHINYCROPEPE -> MY NFTS and see your ShinyCroPepe. (PIC.6)

  12. Follow our media, soon more info about Phase 3!







Last updated